My Duck Log

Better Hunting Through Data

Upgrade Your App Now!

✅ Quickly recording and knowing you’ll never lose your Daily Results.

✅ Start tracking your daily, seasonal, and All-Time totals – you can even add in past records!

✅ We’ve added the ability to delete individual entries, name your blinds, see your results by blind or date, include pics and weather data, and add multiple species bagged for any day.

✅ Share your results and include your custom-named blinds. ID birds in the field with the complete waterfowl identification section.

✅ Each species has male and female pictures plus a brief description.

*The latest version will keep your old data as long as you do not delete the app.
Thanks for your patience and enjoy all the great new features of this version!!

Better stats means better results and easier reporting.

My Duck Log features the ability for you to:


Quickly identify and learn about the waterfowl in your area.


Add in & edit your blinds.


See your results by the blind or date.


Edit your results for the day or season.


Go back in time to add that day you forgot to enter.


Share your data instantly and easily.


Record Weather Conditions.


Save your data to the cloud.


Add a photo and notes to your hunt record.

Our Blog

Updates Coming!

I'm excited to announce that there are changes on the way. First, thanks to the request of a user, you will now be able to edit the names of the blinds you create. Next, the graphics/UI will be updated to make your experience flow even better. What to Look Forward to...

My Duck Log How to Video Series

Video One: Getting Started Video One: Getting Started with My Duck Log I'm in the process of putting together a series of videos to help users navigate their My Duck Log app because I'd hate to have people get frustrated or waste time...

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Duck Breasts with Grand Marnier Sauce

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This is the Right Way to Choose Binoculars

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This Is How Hunting Led to an Amazing Encounter

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Foolish Old Man, You Ain’t That Tough!

Foolish Old Man, You Ain’t That Tough!

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My Duck Log

My Duck Log

How to Easily Record Your Waterfowl Hunting Results My DucK Log was re-released November 28, 2023 I've addressed most, if not all, of the things you wanted! This is the place for your My Duck Log app, and for a variety of outdoor stories. Subscribe below to get...

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What Makes Northern CA a no Surprise Paradise?

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California’s Top Waterfowl Hunting Areas

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